Tuesday, June 23, 2009

MIA Time-Out

I am so sorry I've been MIA. I've been super busy helping Mommy and Daddy get ready for their wedding. I had to shed white hair all over the red carpet just to get them to vaccuum the floor, so there would be clean carpet for them to put presents on. I had to tear up some things so they could ask for some new things on their registry.

So anyways, I'm going to catch you all up on what's been going on the last couple weeks. Then I'm going back to being MIA until the wedding is over. Who knew a wedding was so much work!

So Mommy has spent several days doing an inspection of Bradford Woods. In one of the private residences she found this! A PUG! And he was a rescue! Her professionalism completely melted away. I was told that she started baby talking, was down on all fours trying to kiss him, and his owner said "Wow! No one has ever greeted him that enthusiastically before!" Get this - His name is Pooper Skittles! (have no idea where that came from and don't wanna know)

Mommy had her Bachelorette Weekend in Chicago which is where her sister (my Auntie Kati) and her best friend (my Uncle Brandon) live. They asked her what she wanted to do, and my dorky Mommy said that she wanted to go to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science. Yes, she's a big Potter Head. Here's a picture of her in front of the flying car with her "Man of Honor" Brandon (in the pink) and his partner (my Uncle Shaun).

When they were driving home and stuck in traffic on Lakeshore, Mommy freaked out almost causing Uncle Shaun to wreck. Look! A PUG! Isn't she pretty?! (Don't tell my girlfriend Roxy I said that)

So last Saturday I did my monthly working for KPR (Kentuckiana Pug Rescue) at Bella Dog Bakery. We raised $25! And Bella Dog Bakery showed us this new ad they are going to start running - it features Pug Rescue!

Check it out! Me - a Pug, a Beagle, and a Puggle!

Here is me with the Puggle, Pugsley, with his Daddys.... Boy, my buddies Salinger and Pugsley would fit right in...hehe.

Here I am with this pretty girl Pug, Bailey, and her Mommy. Her Mommy gave me belly rubs. I really liked her.

Here's another picture of Bailey. Doesn't her "stuck on the side" tongue remind you of Clementine?

Look at this big dog that came in. I was like "whoa, you're a big feller."

Mommy made a new friend who is going to take a wedding picture of her and Daddy and draw a portrait from it, in exchange for some dog sitting. Mommy is really excited about this, because this lady has some beautiful work. And since they can't afford a photographer, a friend is taking pictures with a digital camera - so it would be nice to have a beautiful wedding portrait that they can hang in the living room. This lady is also going to draw portraits of me and Tootsie. So Mommy and Daddy are dog sitting for this lady's Pomeranians and their puppies.

Here is a picture of Gabby, the Mommy dog.

Here is a picture of Gibson, the Daddy dog. We love playing tag with each other.

Here are pictures of their babies! They were only 3 weeks old when these were taken. They had just opened their eyes. Aren't they adorable? Everytime they squeaked, I would whimper. I don't know why, but Mommy thought it was cute.

Mommy and I are going to try catching up on everyone else's blogs - but can't promise we'll make comments on them all. We're participating in the Take Your Dog to Work Day this Friday, so we'll have future pictures to share at a later date.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pug Meet-Up w/Stubby! My 2nd Birthday Celebration! Hiking with Sully!

Wow! What a weekend! Better get your popcorn ready...

So I celebrated my 2nd Birthday at Indy Pug Meet-Up with all my Puggy Buddies. Tracey of Bella Dog Bakery made me this really cool cake. The cake is apple cinnamon and the bones are peanut butter. She made it so that each Pug gets a piece of cake with a bone. Mommy was happy that all the Pugs got a piece, but she got upset with one of the ladies that was there. After Mommy said bye to Salinger and Stubby's parents she turned around and this lady was picking the bones off and feeding them to me. (Mommy was planning on giving the rest of the pieces of cake to some of my other friends.) Mommy was like "What are you doing?" The lady said "I'm feeding Apollo his birthday bones." Mommy asked her to stop, so the lady started feeding them to Tootsie! Mommy tried telling her that we both had enough cake and that she didn't want us to get sick...but the lady thought that Mommy should have let us since it was my birthday. Anyways, my other friends had to have plain pieces of cake...no bones. :(

Here I am posing with my awesome cake!

One of my best buddies, Salinger, gave me this really cool present. It's a stuffie that has a plastic bottle in it so it crackles. You can see my Blue Devil Mousy and I got into it good.

Thanks Salinger! and his mommy, Laura!

Here I am at Meet-Up with my human cousin, Sully, and my canine sister, Tootsie. We're waiting for everyone to arrive.

Hey look, a Pug. Here's Ollie. It was his first time.

Hey Look, it's Stubby and his Mom! They came all the way from Chicago!

Here's Stubby with his Dad and Salinger with his Mom.

Here's Salinger with his human brother, Holden. Isn't this a great picture of the Duo!

Here's my girlfriend, Roxy, getting fed cake by her Mommy (who's pregnant). I don't think Roxy's happy about getting a sibling. She's an attention hog.

Sully was eating fruit snacks, and boy were some of the pug begging.

Here's all four of us (Salinger, Stubby, Tootsie, and I).

Here I am being held by Laura (Salinger's Mom). I just adore her. She's so pretty, makes great treats, and is a great kisser.

Here's our Blogger picture. We're missing more than half of the Indy Pug Bloggers.

So you would think my Mommy would let me have it easy after such an eventful morning...NOPE! When we got home we went hiking!
On the trail there was this deer skull. Sully thought it was cool. Mommy thought it was creepy.
Mommy thought it was just going to be an easy trail (since we had the kid), but after 2 miles she started wondering...then at 3 miles we hit the trail end which had a sign that said it wasn't a loop trail (couldn't they have said that at the beginning)...so we had to walk ALL THE WAY BACK! It ended up being a 6 mile hike!!!

So if I don't blog for awhile, you'll know why. It gave a whole new meaning to the word EXHAUSTED!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Swimming and Eating Frozen PB Naners

Since I love to be in the water and have already had a couple bouts of sinking, which have scared my Mommy to death; she bought me a life jacket at London Dog. Mommy loves that it has a floaty thing under my neck to keep my head above water, because she says that my head is too heavy.

So here I am posing in my new Life Jacket.

Here I am getting in the water at the Griffy Lake Dam.

I even found a guy my size to play with.

So our blogging buddies have posted about making Doggy Pops. My Mommy made the Frozen PB Naners (yogurt, bananas, peanut butter). Instead of doing the ice cube trays, she took mini cupcake molds to use to make them Pug sized. What pretty shapes Mommy.

Boy are these good. Don't worry; I shared with my sister and as soon as she took the picture she told me I had enough.

Whew! Swimming and eating is hard work. Time for a nap.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Yappy Hour at London Dog

London Dog held their first Yappy Hour. Mommy took me so I could drink Bowser Beer while socializing/networking with some other elite doggies.

Here's a picture of me with this cool looking Pug Schnauzer. Mommy has no clue what that's called.

See, he even has the Cinnabon tail and Pug ears!

Here's a doggy enjoying his Bowser Beer. I think they served it out of a margarita glass to make it easier for us to partake.

Here are a couple of the doggies that came.

I was really liking the guy that was partly Pug.