Thursday, May 28, 2009

Playing at the Griffy Lake Dam

So yesterday Mommy took me to the Griffy Lake Dog Park. Besides having a big fenced in area, there is a dam with a pool of water for swimming. Since Mommy didn't want to get in the water with me, I had to be content with just running across the dam.

Here I am showing off my tongue guard. It was so hot that I was glad to have this giant water fountain.

And lastly, here's a picture of me doing my best "Apollo the Adventure Pug" pose.

If anyone wants to join us, let me know. Besides having the dog park and lake, there are plenty of trails to hike on as well.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pug Posse's Cookout

Sorry we're late at posting this as Mommy has been busy at work and getting ready for her wedding. But we do want to share with everyone our pictures from the Pug Posse's cookout last Saturday. We had so much fun and want to thank the Pug Posse very much for having us over.
Here are a couple pictures of me playing hide and seek with Pugsley under a table.

Here's a video of us playing.

Here's a picture of Laura feeding all of us nutritionally healthy Pugs, carrots. Mmmm.

And we finally got to see Lola, Pugsley's other half. Isn't she the cutest!

These are the nice Pug Pools that the Pug Posse provided for us to keep cool in the summer heat.

Here's Salinger in the swim trunks (butt-less chaps) that his Mommy made him wear.

And here's Miss Tabitha joining in with our exercising with the German Shepherd.

Here's a video of us exercising.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bella Dog Bakery...Animal Rescue Site Loot...Drinking Beer...Hiking

So my Mommy has been a slacker at getting all my pictures posted. So even though these look like random pictures, it's actually a glimpse of what I've been doing the last four days.
Last Saturday I worked at Bella Dog Bakery in Southport to raise money and awareness about KPR (Kentuckiana Pug Rescue). Here I am sitting by the specialty treats display. As you can see I'm not happy, because my Mommy won't let me have any.

When we got home there was a package waiting for Mommy. It had all the stuff she ordered from the Animal Rescue Website that Stubby told us about. By buying stuff from the website we helped provide vaccines and food to shelter animals. Mommy got Bonita Flakes for my kitty siblings. She got a tank top for her that says "All my children have fur." Here's the Pug tote and placemat that Mommy got as well.

On Monday Mommy gave me and Tootsie some Bowser Beer. It's beef flavored. I tried to tell her that I prefer wine, especially my Barkundy from Bella Dog Bakery.

Last night I went hiking. Here's a picture of me and Daddy on the Weir Trail at Griffy Lake Nature Preserve.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wetlands Hike

Here's another chapter of Adventures with Apollo. I went on a hike with Mommy and Daddy and Tootsie. We decided to check out this new wetlands trail that contains 2 miles of boardwalk through the wetlands. It was way cool.

Here's a picture of me posing on the boardwalk.

Here's a picture of me and Daddy posing at one of the lookout platforms.

Here's a picture of one of the deeper parts of the wetlands. Don't worry, they actually had rails through this part.

Here's me posing at one of the other lookout platforms.

And here's me and Tootsie strolling down the boardwalk.

Mommy also shot some video of me at the Blue Heron lookout platform. As you can see, I wasn't too interested. I wanted to keep walking.

Sadly enough we didn't get a picture of Mommy falling into the swampy wetlands, getting covered with mud, and then getting bit by a snake. Unfortunately she was the one taking the pictures, therefore holding the camera, which luckily was able to be salvaged. My Mommy sure is a trooper though. Despite that little disaster, she said she still had fun and can't wait to go back.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where's Pugsley?

Does anyone know what's going on with Pugsley and his Mommy, Heather? They were consistently blogging, then nothing for three weeks. Is everything okay? Just worried about my buddy...

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Birthday Celebration

So I turned 2 on Friday. I celebrated with just my family. Mommy said that I'll get my birthday cake on June 6th at Pug Meet-Up, so I can share with my friends.
Here's me posing in my Birthday bandana:

Here are the Birthday treats Mommy got me:

Here's me eating my treats:

Mommy also got me this really cool rug. It's made from boiled wool, so it's safe for me to chew on. I love to chew on the nubbies that are sticking out. Ladies from Nepal made it, so my birthday present also provided them with money for their families.
My other present is a very colorful Catepillar. I love chomping on the legs. I also love that it's bigger than me, so I feel big and bad when I beat it up.

Mommy also shot some video. The first one is of me getting my rug. And the second one is of me getting my catepillar.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My 2nd Barkday!

Today is my Barkday! I turned 2! Mommy said I have to wait until tonight (when Daddy's home) to get my presents. So I will update this post later, when I have pictures.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Puggin' Around while Pawrents at Cubs Game

Hey my Puggies,

So, I'm really bummed that I missed out on Pug Meet-Up AGAIN! My pawrents couldn't take me, because they went to Chicago to see the Cubs game. Here's a picture of Mommy and Daddy taking in the game and enjoying the sun.

Here's a picture of Mommy with my Auntie Kati and Grampy. My Auntie Kati lives in Chicago and is the one who got them all tickets. Mommy promised that this summer she's going to take me to Chicago's Montrose Dog Beach. Miles of fenced in beach and water with tons of dogs...

Yea! Cubbies won! Mommy was excited that Fukodome stole some bases.

While they were away, Miss Amanda babysat me. She even took me to her house to play with her two Pugs. Here I am at Miss Amanda's house, being hyper as usual.

Here I am relaxing with Shobo. Murphy's at the other end of the couch, pouting because I took his spot.

Whew, I had fun with Shobo and Murphy, but I sure am glad my pawrents are home.