I'm a couple weeks late on this, but...I have a new foster brother!
Meet Lazarus - this is what he looked like when he came into KPR (Kentuckiana Pug Rescue).

Lazarus was found lying on a driveway and thought to be dead. When the Animal Control Officer came to remove him, he detected life left and rushed him to Veterinary care. Lazarus clearly laid down on that driveway ready to give up and cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. He was so dirt encrusted and flea infested that his breed, color or coat was a mystery. Besides the obvious emaciation; he was also found to be heartworm positive, anemic, feces full of worms, UTI, etc. Since then he has gained quite a bit of much needed weight. Once the bacterial infections and hemoglobin level have improved, he will start the heartworm treatment. This will take about three months. During that time he will slowly receive his vaccinations, get neutered, and have a dental.
This will be a long and challenging road to recovery - expensive too. If anyone is interested in donating towards his care, you can do so by going to: http://www.kentuckianapugs.com/
or you can paypal your payment to email adress matt1128@bellsouth.net or mail in a check to KPR PO Box 22697 Louisville, KY 40252-0697.
He doesn't look or act like the same dog - what a difference having food in your belly makes! I'll post updated pictures and video soon!
~ Apollo