Hey Guys, So I don't know about where you are, but where I am we've been getting a TON of RAIN! When we finally got a break in the rain, and the sun was out, we decided to go hiking at one of the Sycamore Land Trust properties.

Unfortunately we encountered this on our way. Dad walked up to see how deep it was to see if maybe we could drive through it...nope, not happening.

So Momma got this brilliant idea to all get out of the car and check it out. She said there weren't any sewer water to be worried about that it was all water from the wetlands. The water was too cold for her, but I was having fun.
Then all of a sudden this giant dog wolf guy showed up. Apparently he lived at a nearby farm.
I invited him to come play in the water with me.
And I tried to pal around with his brother.
But then they both ganged up on me.
I finally had enough! And then the big wolf dog tried to violate my Momma, so I had to protect her. But my snarling scared my Momma, so she quickly threw me into the car. She said it was a good thing she did, because she thinks I would've been eaten. Whatever. In the video you can see that I'm telling big wolf dog to stay away from my Momma.